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Why Veterans Should Consider Muay Thai After Leaving the Military

Successfully serving and protecting your country is a great accomplishment and during this period of your life, you can experience some incredible highs and lows. War is a tumultuous and unfortunate part of our world. For those that serve, leaving the military and joining the civilian world again can pose as a huge challenge for…


A Breakdown of a Two Week Muay Thai Vacation in Bangkok

There are dozens of options for those interested in training Muay Thai in Thailand. Most of the information you need to decide what the perfect gym is for you is available online and within the Muay Thai community outlets. For the majority of enthusiasts that come to Thailand, embracing the sport to its fullest is…


Why You Should Take an Exercise Vacation to Thailand

  With over 30 million visitors a year, Thailand is one of the most visited countries in the world. People come for the food, culture, architecture, history and natural beauty. Heading to the beach to relax  is one of the more common activities during a Thai vacation, but have you ever considered using this time…


The Deadly Trio at Khongsittha Muay Thai

Anyone who has trained Muay Thai long enough knows that after enough time with your particular trainer, you either connect with them or you don’t. The connection usually requires the trainee to evolve or progress in their skill level – this is why coming to Thailand after training at your home gym is the next…


5 Reasons a Muay Thai Vacation is the Perfect Gift for Valentine’s Day

Don’t worry if you haven’t thought of the perfect gift for your loved one. After reading this, you’ll realize that a Muay Thai vacation beats fine dining, diamonds, and gift cards any time of the year, and especially for Valentine’s Day. Shed those Unwanted Pounds From Christmas season. Let’s all be realistic here. It’s very…


Adrian Khongsittha’s First Impressions of Bangkok

Adrian Khongsittha is our first photographer intern who will be documenting what Khongsittha is doing in the Muay Thai world and his own journey as a fresh college graduate looking to train and fight for three months in Bangkok with us. Prior to this trip, I’d never really left the United States. A 6th grade…


Khongsittha Hosts Ajarn Chai and the WTBA With a Two Day Intensive Muay Thai Camp

On January 22nd 2018, over 40 Nak Muay from the WTBA (World Thai Boxing Association) stepped foot into Khongsittha Muay Thai gym to learn under the guidance of some of the best trainers in Bangkok. Ajarn Chai Sirisute is often credited for being one of the first Muay Thai fighters to come to the USA…


How a Spiritual Retreat Can Boost Mental Health

Unlike a regular vacation, a spiritual retreat is focused on long term mental health. Everyone suffers the stress of daily life and vacations help to reduce this stress. However, that relief is only temporary and once you return to work, the negative mental health effects of stress will return. If you are planning a vacation…


A Father and Son Getaway to Thailand

We recently had the pleasure of hosting a father and his son on a three week Muay Thai getaway to Thailand. Nigel works as an executive for a tech company and Jordan is currently in high school in Australia. What made their visit so special is the fact that the Nigel travels quite extensively for…


One Year To Your Dream Thailand Vacation

What would it take to start saving on January first, and end up in Thailand in December? When you have a whole year to save, it turns out that dreams really can come true. Saving in advance can make a dream vacation to Thailand a reality! Here is a break-down of exactly how much you…

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