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How a Spiritual Retreat Can Boost Mental Health

Unlike a regular vacation, a spiritual retreat is focused on long term mental health. Everyone suffers the stress of daily life and vacations help to reduce this stress. However, that relief is only temporary and once you return to work, the negative mental health effects of stress will return. If you are planning a vacation in Thailand, skip the beach resorts and take a more spiritual approach. Here’s how it can permanently boost your mental health.


Taking the Stress Out of Vacations

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Vacations are a chance to relieve stress, so why are they often so stressful themselves? From packing, catching the flight, planning your daily schedule, thinking of where to eat, to fitting in tourist activities  – going on vacation can be a lot of work. A meditation retreat in Thailand is a cheap and easy alternative to your typical getaway.

The accommodation is usually basic, thereby keeping down costs. Your schedule will be laid out for you, with food provided and set meal and bed times. For instance, our Muay Thai package comes with  a peaceful and relaxing boutique resort, with twice a day training built into the schedule. With everything else taken care of, you can focus on the one reason you came for: to improve your mental wellbeing.


Focus on Spiritual Activities

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While other vacations revolve around drinking and sunbathing, spiritual retreats take a different approach. The combination of alcohol and sun will certainly boost your mood temporarily, but you are looking for something more permanent. This is where spiritual activities come in.

Depending on the retreat you choose, there may be a range of activities available. Some retreats offer psychics, who provide tarot readings to improve mental health, while Muay Thai focuses on physical training, teaching discipline, and building focus. There may also be fortune tellers and yoga instructors available nearby depending on your selected location.

Meditation retreats often require you to spend hours of each day in complete silence. This time can be spent as how you please, the only rule is that you cannot make a noise. When left alone with your thoughts for all this time, you get a rare opportunity to pay attention to your own conscious experience. Once you learn to meditate properly, you will understand how to overcome negative emotions and feel at peace. You can then take this wisdom with you when you return to your day job.


Possible Effects of a Spiritual Vacation
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Nothing is guaranteed, but people leaving a Muay Thai resort feel they come back a changed person. You will likely find yourself returning with a deeper sense of inner calm, due to the deeply relaxing nature of the retreat. You will learn to live moment to moment, paying attention to your sensory experiences. You will have a deeper understanding of yourself, the things that trouble you and how it is your thoughts about these things that are causing your suffering. When you return to your normal life, you will have a better control over negative thoughts, leaving you feeling happier and less anxious overall.

If you are suffering from poor mental health or just want to experience personal growth, then a spiritual retreat may be for you. Instead of taking the same trip to a beachside resort, consider a vacation with wellbeing in mind. The effects of such a retreat will be long lasting and benefit the rest of your life.

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