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The State of Muay Thai in Thailand

Muay Thai in Thailand is presented as a modern martial art, but has a history that goes back hundreds of years as an actual battlefield combat style. It is referred to as the “Science of Eight Limbs,” since it uses eight points of contact in the fighting style. Combatants use punches, elbow throws knee strikes,…


Experience Thailand With a Muay Thai Vacation

One of the worst things about a vacation is you can easily fall into unhealthy habits. Oftentimes, vacations consist of little more than consuming too much food and drink and inactive relaxing. You not only run the risk of feeling sluggish and slipping out of shape while on your trip, but if you don’t plan…


The Tradition of Wai Khru in Muay Thai

In our previous article, we discussed the mystical benefits and history of Sak Yant tattoos. While not every Muay Thai fighter has them, the roots of many martial arts contain traces of body art that would protect them. One other crucial part of Muay Thai, and much more common to see is the “Wai Khru…


Sak Yant Traditional Thai Tattoos

Tattoos have always been a part of various cultures to record memorable moments, pains, successes, and loved ones. There is no exception in Thailand, and many Buddhist monks have employed the “Sak Yant” tattoo method for religious purposes. Masters and apprentices have been passing on the traditional method of thai tattoos for years, and it…


The Benefits of Training Muay Thai for Fitness

 One of the great aspects of training Muay Thai is the level of fitness that can be achieved if training on a regular basis. Most sports done in a routine fashion will make you stronger, faster, and generally healthier. However, Muay Thai has consistently been proven to be a top martial art for those looking…


How to Find the Right Bangkok Muay Thai Gym for You

If you’re ready to take your Muay Thai to the next level, there is no better place to begin your Muay Thai experience than Bangkok. The beautiful “City of Angels” is home to some of the best and most prestigious Muay Thai gyms in Thailand. Whether you’ve been to a dozen camps in your lifetime…


How to Save Money for Your Muay Thai Vacation to Thailand

Training in Thailand is the dream of every Nak Muay aspiring to learn more about Muay Thai and to improve their technique, endurance, and overall skill level. Sometimes, it’s actually more difficult to save money for a trip to the ‘Land of Smiles’ than it is to train Muay Thai. There are a variety of…


Khongsittha’s Muay Thai Fight Camp: July

It’s very bittersweet for us to announce that our July Muay Thai Fight Camp has officially ended. Over the course of four weeks there was a sense of unity amongst both participants and trainers. It’s not often that strangers will be able to eat together, train together, enjoy Thailand together, and stay in a resort with…

Muay Thai Camp Thailand

5 Ways a Muay Thai Camp in Thailand Will Change Your Life

If you’ve landed on this blog, chances are that you’ve probably heard of the ancient traditional martial art of Thailand known as Muay Thai. It’s a sport that’s been around for centuries, and in today’s mixed martial arts scene, some of the best fighters in the world such as Anderson Silva, Jose Aldo, and Jon…


Eating Healthy While Training Muay Thai in Thailand

Most recreational and competitive athletes are aware that in order to get the most out of your body when training and competing in a sport, you need to eating healthy on a consistent basis. Keeping nutrients in your body, maintaining proper hydration, and staying away from certain foods that affect your health are critical factors…

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