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The Best Times to Travel to Thailand for Muay Thai

Thailand is hot.

We like to group the months of the year into three seasons. The Rainy Season begins in May and ends in October. Moisture gathered from the Andaman Sea is dropped onto the country of Thailand in various degrees of intensity. The Cool Season begins in November and ends February. Known also as the High Season, this time in Thailand is when it’s at its coolest. Northern provinces such as Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai can reach down to 12 degrees celsius, and the highest point in Thailand, Doi Inthanon, has mist and frost in the wee hours of the morning. The Hot Season, Between March to June, experiences some of the hottest weather imaginable in Thailand. Thick, moist heat that makes training that much more intense.

In our opinion, any time of the year is a good time for Muay Thai. The best time to come will depend on your personal preferences when traveling. If you’re looking for the cheapest time to come and don’t mind the heat, traveling here during the Hot Season is very affordable. If the only time you’re capable of getting off his during the holiday season, coming during Cool season is more expensive, but temperatures are cooler and if you want to meet other travelers frequently, this is the best time to go.


Going to the Land of Smiles: Average Ticket Prices and Best Time to Go

The Best Times to Travel to Thailand for Muay Thai

If you’re planning on heading to Thailand, our recommended time to go would be during the Hot Season (March-June). If you don’t mind a bit of hot weather, and you can come to the realization that you’re going to be sweating your butt off during training twice a day anyways, it’s always nice to save a bit of cash. The beaches are not filled with tourists, the major cities traffic is less congested during other seasons, and sweating so much will help you shed those few extra pounds and speed up your metabolism. The ticket prices are the cheapest during this time, and many hotels and accommodation will be having discounts and promotions in order to fill up vacancy. Training prices usually don’t increase or decrease during this time.

Traveling from New York to Bangkok in March will get you average ticket prices of $550 USD round trip. That’s $225 flights; almost the same as the price from New York to San Francisco during the same time period. The price jumps exponentially during the Cool season, with average ticket prices clocking in at $1200 USD round trip.

The average ticket price from London to Bangkok is slightly higher on average (about $60 more than from New York). Not a huge factor considering this price triples during high season! It’s recommended that if you do travel during the high season, you book your ticket well in advance (at least one to two months ahead of time) in order to get the cheapest price. It wouldn’t hurt booking your training at a Muay Thai gym in advance too. Reputable Bangkok gyms offer great promotions and discounts to encourage people to come train in the city rather than on the beachers during this time.

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