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Muay Thai Tips

Muay Thai In The West vs Muay Thai in Thailand
It’s easy to love Muay Thai, but if you were raised in the West, your interest in the sport likely began as a teenager or... [more]

Welcome To Khongsittha Muay Thai | Meet The Founders
Welcome To Khongsittha Muay Thai “Any achievement starts with a willpower that falls short of nothing.” The story of Khongsittha Muay Thai is a testament... [more]

7 Amazing Benefits Of Training Muay Thai
The popularity of Muay Thai has skyrocketed since the beginning of the 21st century, particularly in the last decade. One of the many reasons for... [more]
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Guilt-Free Cakes for Sportspeople and Muay Thai Enthusiasts
Cakes and sport is something that doesn’t seem to go well together. Typically, athletes focus their diet on carbohydrates and protein, as well as low-fat foods... [more]

Where Should I Go to Watch Muay Thai Fights in Bangkok?
A trip to Thailand is never complete without the enjoyment of watching Muay Thai fights in Bangkok. The capital of the Kingdom of Siam is the capital... [more]

How Long Should I Train Muay Thai in Thailand?
Training Muay Thai in Thailand can be for everyone, but not on the same level. It is also suitable for various ages, as there are many people in their... [more]

Accommodation in Bangkok: Our Resort Hotel a Few Steps from the Gym
Finding a place to stay in Bangkok can be an easy thing. As one of the most visited cities in the world, the capital of Thailand has plenty... [more]

Muay Thai Fighter in Thailand: The Story of Richi Alvarez
“Coming to Thailand changed my life. It pushed me over my limits and taught me that nothing is granted, that everything can change any moment.... [more]

Train Muay Thai in Bangkok, How Do I Start?
Making the decision of coming to Thailand and fulfilling your dream of living like a boxer is the first step. But, how exactly do I... [more]

Why Veterans Should Consider Muay Thai After Leaving the Military
Successfully serving and protecting your country is a great accomplishment and during this period of your life, you can experience some incredible highs and lows.... [more]

A Breakdown of a Two Week Muay Thai Vacation in Bangkok
There are dozens of options for those interested in training Muay Thai in Thailand. Most of the information you need to decide what the perfect... [more]

Why You Should Take an Exercise Vacation to Thailand
With over 30 million visitors a year, Thailand is one of the most visited countries in the world. People come for the food, culture,... [more]